
Terms of Use

The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research (“MJFF”) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease through an aggressively funded research agenda and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson's today.  We facilitate grantmaking by maintaining a secure infrastructure through which confidential information can be transmitted for the purposes of soliciting grant proposals (“Project Materials”), managing active grant awards, and/or soliciting reviews from external experts (“Reviewers”).  This infrastructure is held at (referred to as both the “Website” and “GrantPortal”). The Website is intended for primary use by grant reviewers, applicants, recipients, as well as associated personnel who are conducting research. Other users include MJFF staff who direct and oversee MJFF operations, as well as Contractors who may assist them. These Terms refer to these collective parties as “users” and “you”.

These Terms of Use describe the conditions under which MJFF supports the access and use of its GrantPortal.

1.    Agreement
In order to use the GrantPortal, you must agree to the Terms of Use outlined here.  If you are not in agreement, you should refrain from further use.  Our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated by reference into these Terms of Use, explains how we treat your personal data and your privacy when you use the GrantPortal. By using the GrantPortal, you agree that MJFF can use such data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

2.    Changes to these Terms of Use
We may modify these Terms of Use from time to time by posting a revised version on the GrantPortal Website. Any modification made is effective immediately upon posting the modification (unless otherwise stated). If there is a conflict between these Terms of Use and the updated and/or additional terms and conditions, the updated and/or additional terms will apply. You should visit this page periodically to review the current Terms of Use. Your continued use of the Website after the posting of such new Terms of Use means that you agree to the posted changes. If you do not agree to the changes, you should discontinue use of the Website.

3.    User Accounts
     a.    Sole Responsibility:  In order to access the Grant Portal, you must register to create an account using an email address and selected password (“Login Credentials”).  You agree not to share or disclose Login Credentials with anyone AND not to use the Login Credentials of another individual.  You agree to use reasonable care when safeguarding systems and equipment to prevent unauthorized use.  You also agree to provide accurate and complete information when creating this account.  You agree to be accountable for all 
     b.    Termination of Use: We may in our sole discretion suspend or terminate your access to the Platform without notification for violation of the Terms of Use, or for other conduct that we deem harmful or unlawful to others. We may also periodically review accounts for which a user has not logged on.
4.    Your representations and warranties
You represent and warrant to MJFF that:
     a.    All information and/or content that you provide in the Grant Portal are true, complete, and accurate to the best of your knowledge. 
     b.    If you are participating in the grant review process:
          i.    you will use no less than reasonable care in protecting Confidential information from disclosure to third parties that are not participating on the grant review committee.
          ii.    you will delete and/or dispose of Confidential information when it is no longer necessary for the purposes of your assessment.
     c.    If you are applying for funding:
          i.    you will use the provided templates and/or application materials where requested and avoid use of previously provided templates and/or materials as they may be outdated.  

5.    Contact  Us
If you have questions or comments concerning these Terms of Use, you may email us at  Support is provided in English only.

These Terms of Use were last updated on May 23, 2024.